Years ago I
read Covey's book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. It was like coming
home. His principle based way of looking at the World and the way people behave,
opened my eyes and I absorbed it all. At least I thought I did. Getting it out
of our library every once in a while I discovered new things and I don’t know
if I did not notice them the first time or that I forgot. Later on I read his “8th
Habit”, with some valuable movies on an attached DVD.
The book of
one of his sons about “The Speed of Trust” came as a prove of synchronicity.
All my contacts and networking partners are talking about the lack of Trust
around the World, in Politics and especially
within and between organizations. The
damage the Lack of Trust creates is huge and we don’t understand why others
keep on acting as if Trust does not exist and cannot be Trusted anyway.
A few days before
the death of Steven Covey I started reading one of his latest books, “The 3th
Alternative”. And again it is as if he took the words right out of my mouth,
but even before I was aware of the Impact they have. Not that I accuse him of stealing
of course. But everything he explains in his easy, almost simple way makes me
realise that that is exactly why I like my World and my Work.
listening to people, trying not to judge and doing so with a clear image of what You
are (I am) as a person, with emotions, professionalism, personality and lots of
possible shortcomings, is the only way people can make real contact. Authentic
listening as they called in in a Leadership Course at the University in Rotterdam.
And only after real contact and getting a clear table (every not previously noticed
theme out of the way) opens up the road to Synergy. Not my Way, not Your Way,
but together working on a Better Way, the 3th Way. If people succeed in
creating Synergy, one and one can be seven, or seventeen or even seven hundred.
I have seen this happening in many occasions and it feels like magic every time
it takes place. It cannot be explained by creativity of brilliant minds. It has
to do with energy and the frequency of the minds gathered in the room.
Something like that.
Reading about
Covey’s 3th way I realised, that what I like about my role as a Value Engineer
(among other things and roles), is exactly about all this. Getting multidisciplinary
groups together and having them cooperate in a Function Analysis, paves the
path to a 3th alternative. Through the
WHY and HOW questions they get to know each other’s wishes and points of view. All that Values their interests gets on the
table and from there, creativity can boost, as well as the co-creation. And the
Trust that grows instantly by doing so, forms the fertilisation of the process. Amazing in what short notice teams can come up
with astonishing results. You want to know WHY and HOW? Read Stephan Covey’s
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