UPDATE: on 31 aug. it is made officially that I as a Value Engineer will facilitate the 3 chosen innovations that are the result of the FMM Innovation Event. June 2012 where I was one of the 3 host speakers. I am trilled and honored! We are going to work in 3 groups of participants to power up the innovative ideas and see how we can Kick-Start them. Reading this Blog gives You an idea how that will work.
All around us we feel the urge to respond to what we call The Crisis.
Only, if we put a
group of people together to achieve something, this does not necessarily work
out too well. We call that a meeting, a chairman takes his role, shy people try
to hide themselves, extroverts take all the time, craftsman and experts get
bored and at the end all Ego’s are angry and frustrated because they did not
get what they think they earn. So we need something else.
So what happens is
that a multidisciplinary group of people, consisting of Stakeholders as in
Users, Experts, Owners, Investors, Architects, Engineers (depending on the
issue at stake), start working together creating a Function Analysis and at the
same time they develop Trust, they accomplice real connection and all their
Craftmanship and Knowledge gets on the table and ordered in an transparent and
open structure. This is the perfect start of a team that has to achieve great
things. And which team does not these day!
All around us we feel the urge to respond to what we call The Crisis.
In Holland it’s
election time and every politic party tries to draw attention of possible
voters by exposing their exclusive solutions that will solve our problems.
Unfortunately they all use the old fashioned way of rebelling against other
parties instead of trying to listen and understand the motives of others and
why they thing they are right.
This is characteristic
for the way our world has come to operate. We all have to expose ourselves. We
need to be different and we show that by accentuating the errors of others. We
behave as individuals but at the same time we are afraid to be laughed, we need
to look good for our Peers and we need to be connected with the group we see as
part of our Brand.
These kind of
emotions and counterproductive behaviour stand in our way if we really want to
create a better world. As everything is connected with everything, not only in
nature but also in society, we have to face the complex situation we are in and
no one of us can do that on his one. Nor can politic parties, companies or
governments. We have to join forces, connect our energy, knowledge and networks.
Students practicing Value Engineering |
That something is
Value Engineering. Knowing we need diversity in groups to get a wide view of a
problem and being able to create innovative solutions, more than 65 years ago a
man called Larry Miles, a buyer at General Electric, discovered that instead of
asking for rubber he should ask for a seal solution. By given room to providers
to come with smarter offers, combined with other materials and possibilities he
got more value for his money. He called it demanding for Functions instead of products
Later on a man
called “By The Way” (No lie! I have met him personally two years ago, he was 91
years old and very much alive and kicking!) added a technique he saw his
grandchildren do automatically. Asking WHY and HOW stimulates one to think
about deeper lying motives and functions behind the functions. Once you know
WHY something is wanted you can think of a proper HOW you want to accomplish that.
Every answer is written down as a new function. These Why and HOW answers =
functions fit together as beads on a string. Every answer = function to the
left goes deeper into the WHY and the same answers = functions read to the
right are answers to the HOW question.
Sounds difficult?
It’s not! It’s so simple, almost childish. Only, as soon as we try to figure
out complex situations we can find and describe so many Functions that putting
them all together into a clear structure of HOW and WHY makes it complicated. A
function structure whit all the relevant functions put together in a logic How and
Why manner is called a FAST (Function Analysis System Technique) but putting a
FAST together takes a little while.
Actually working
on a Function Analysis is what we in Holland should call a way of SLOW
MANAGEMENT. We take time to get to know each other’s motives, We really need to
understand the way other members of the Value Engineering team think and WHY
they want something. The good thing about that is that a team grows to
understand each other and even better, this creates Trust!!
Value Engineering; Erasing barriers, steer together |
And it is not over
by that! The next step is the Creative Phase in where the same team brainstorms
over the functions that are most probable to make a huge difference, as they
can be done in a different and better way.
The best and most valuable
ideas get filtered and little teams work them out to complete innovations, with
the do’s and don’ts, the issues being solved, the risks that are involved and
so on.
Getting to the
core of problems, products, projects of programmes helps to find better
solutions. It makes it obvious to the partners / stakeholders that they are in
it together and that they have to really co-create to achieve the ultimate goal
and a suitable level of effectiveness and creativity, as synergy does not fall
from the sky but as to be earned by listening, connecting and sharing.
Exactly this is
what is missing in most projects and teams. They think 1 and 1 is 2. They never
discover the true effect of synergy and that 1 and 1 can also be 27. And to get
along with the scarcity around us we need to make every 1 into a 27 and in a
way that after the 27 is used it can be up-cycled or at least recycled to
another 28 or more.
We have a scarcity
on money (most of us anyway) on raw materials, on (non-renewable) energy, large
parts of the world on clean water. And we think we have a scarcity in time and
even more in attention. We lack creativity, we fight over patent rights and we
make bigger contracts to try to be safe. Instead of fighting and thinking that
everything we value gets so expensive and rare that we have to try to control
everything even more, we have to get rid of this dumb way of looking at things
and the world. As soon as we start sharing our thoughts, ideas and maybe even
our things, there is no more scarcity and we can experience great, beautiful and
rich things without exploiting anything or anyone anymore.
Such high goals
and such a simple tool as Value Engineering isn’t that way out of proportion? I
think not. Of course there are other techniques
to co-create and work together, but I know of nothing so simple that can move obstacles
as mountains this easy.
In America and Great
Britain they know this. Value Engineering is officially required in governmental
projects to be sure money is well spend. In Korea car manufacturers use it to improve
designs of cars and car parts. In Holland it starts to get noticed, but so far
only in technical companies to safe money in building or manufacturing areas.
want to use its impact in the human area. To reinforce projects that are
stumbling, to invent totally new solutions, to shorten turnarounds, to simplify
governmental processes or to invent and implement New Ways of Working in a participatory
To diffuse Value
Engineering into the organisations that could benefit from VE (and all companies and projects do!) I initiate Masterclasses Value
Engineering, I use it in guest lectures at Applied Science Universities and
offer myself as a Value Engineering facilitator in situations that ask for
If you know
situations that I can be of assistance please let me know!
Do you have
experiences with Value Engineering please respond and let’s share that with my
Want to know more
about it? Check my site with introduction movie (in Dutch). Klick here.
Or download the
PDF with the English version on my English page which will soon be available.
If you are really
interested get in touch and I will share a PowerPoint with you that I use in my
And if you want to
join one of the Masterclasses Value Engineering check my site and sign up!
This is something great about value engineering services